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Book Prize Shortlist 2025

The Book Prize was inaugurated in 2008 to mark the Inn’s long-standing commitment to legal scholarship and the education of law students and of lawyers in practice. The Prize attracts entries from every part of the globe, and has already become one of the highest honours that legal authorship can aspire to.

The patron is HRH The Princess Royal KG KT GCVO QSO.

The Inner Temple Book Prize judging panel is pleased to announce that the following books have been selected for the shortlist:

Main Prize

N.W. Barber: The Principles of  Constitutionalism
Oxford University Press

Jo Braithwaite: The Financial Courts: Adjudicating Disputes in Derivatives Markets
Cambridge University Press

Neil Duxbury: The Intricacies of Dicta and Dissent
Cambridge University Press

Richard Helmholz: The Profession of Ecclesiastical Lawyers: An Historical Introduction
Cambridge University Press

New Authors

Joanna Bell: The Anatomy of Administrative Law
Hart Publishing

Joshua Hitchens and Niamh Daly: Forced Marriage Law and Practice

Richard Martin: Policing Human Rights: Law, Narratives, and Practice 
Oxford University Press