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Quick Reference Guide

This is a list of frequently used titles in the Inner Temple Library, with precise locations. The emphasis is on law reports, journals and other serial titles; individual text books are for the most part excluded. If you cannot find what you are looking for, consult the online catalogue or ask a member of staff.



Acts (Local and Personal) – Apply staff (Basement)
Acts (Public General) – C 39
Administrative Appeals Chamber Reports – D 76
Administrative Court Digest – D 76
Alberta Law Reports – F 173
All England Law Reports – D 76
All England Law Reports Commercial Cases – D 78
All England Law Reports European cases – C 69
All India Reporter – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
All Pakistan Legal Decisions – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Appeal Cases – D 110
Archbold News / Review – B 17
Atkin’s Encyclopaedia of Court Forms – C 67
Australian Current Law – E 124
Australian Digest – E 134
Australian Law Journal (& Reports) – E 137
Australian Law Reports – E 125


Bankruptcy Cases – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Bankruptcy & Personal Insolvency Reports – D 79
Brewing Trade Review Law Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
British Columbia Law Reports – F 175
British Company Cases – D 80
British Journal of Criminology – B 17
Building Law Reports – D 80
Butterworths Company Law Cases – D 80
Butterworths Human Rights Cases – C 36
Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports – A 13
Butterworths Workmen’s Compensation Cases – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)


Cambridge Law Journal – B 17
Canada Federal Court Reports – E 153
Canada Supreme Court Reports – E 151
Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts – E 154
Canadian Criminal Cases – E 155B
Chancery Division (Reports) – D 112
Child and Family Law Quarterly – B 18
Civil Court News – B 18
Civil Court Practice [Green Book] – A 3
Civil Procedure [White Book] – A 3
Civil Procedure News – B 18
Command Papers (1960/61-) – Apply staff (Basement)
Commercial Law Cases – D 81
Common Market Law Reports – C 69
Commons Commissioners’ Decisions – Apply Staff (Littleton Basement)
Commonwealth Law Reports – E 130
Computers and Law – B 18
Construction Law Journal – B 18
Construction Law Reports – D 81
Consumer & Trading Law Cases – D 82
Conveyancer and Property Lawyer – B 18
Costs Law Reports – D 82
Counsel – B 20
Court of Protection Law Reports – D 83
Criminal Appeal Reports – D 83
Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) – D 84
Criminal Law Review – B 20
Criminal Law Week – B 21
Crown Office Digest – D 84
Current Law – D 120
Current Law Statutes Annotated – C 57
Current Legal Problems – B 21
Current Sentencing Practice – B 22


Decisions & Reports (ECHR) – C 36
Dictionary of National Biography – Copier Lobby
Digest (English & Empire) – D 121
Dominion Law Reports – E 161


Education Law Reports – D 84
Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents – C 68
English Reports – D 85
Equity Cases – D 114
Estates Gazette – B 22
Estates Gazette Case Summaries – D 88
Estates Gazette Law Reports – D 88
European Court Reports – C 72
European Human Rights Law Review – C 38
European Human Rights Reports – C 46
Exchequer Division (Reports) – D 114


Family Court Reports – D 88
Family Division (Reports) – D 114
Family Law – Lift Lobby 22C
Family Law Reports – D 88
Fleet Street Reports – D 89


Green Book (Civil Court Practice) – A 3
Greens Weekly Digest – G 209


Halsbury’s Laws of England – C 63
Halsbury’s Laws of Australia – E 123A
Halsbury’s Laws of Canada – E 150A
Halsbury’s Laws of India – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Halsbury’s Statutes – C 64
Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments – C 66
Hansard – Apply staff (Basement)
Harvard Law Review – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Hong Kong Law Journal – F 195
Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest – F 193
Housing Law Reports – D 90
Human Rights Law Reports – C 38


Immigration & Nationality Law Reports – D 91
Immigration Appeals – D 91
Immigration Rules – Apply staff (Basement)
India Supreme Court Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Industrial Cases Reports – D 92
Industrial Law Journal – Lift Lobby 22C
Industrial Relations Law Reports – D 92
Intellectual Property Quarterly – Lift Lobby 22C
International & Comparative Law Quarterly – C 34
International Court of Justice Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
International Litigation Procedure – C 31
Irish Jurist – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Irish Law Reports Monthly – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Irish Law Times – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Irish Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)


Jamaica Law Reports – F 195
Journal of Business Law – Lift Lobby 22C
Journal of Criminal Law – Lift Lobby 22D
Journal of Environmental Law – Lift Lobby 22D
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
[Journal of] Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law – Lift Lobby 22C
Journal of Planning & Environment Law – Lift Lobby 22D
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland – G 213
Judicial Review – Lift Lobby 22E
Justice of the Peace (News & Reports) – Lift Lobby 22E


King’s Bench Division (Reports) – D 115
Knight’s Industrial Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)


Landlord & Tenant Reports – D 93
Law Commission (Reports & Working Papers) – Apply staff (Basement)
Law Journal Reports – D 93
Law Quarterly Review – Lift Lobby 22G
Law Reports (Incorporated Council Series) – D 111
Law Reports Consolidated Index – D 120
Law Reports Indian Appeals – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Law Reports (Ireland) – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Law Society’s Gazette – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Law Times (Newspaper) – Lift Lobby 22H
Law Times Reports – D 96
Legal Action – Lift Lobby 22I
Legal Studies – Lift Lobby 22J
Licensing Law Reports – D 98
Lloyds Law Reports – D 98
Lloyds Law Reports: Insurance & Reinsurance – D 99
Lloyds Law Reports: Medical – A 13
Local Government Reports – D 100
Local & Personal Acts – Apply staff (Basement)


McGillivray’s Copyright Cases – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Malayan Law Journal – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Medical Law Reports – A 13
Medical Law Review – A 14
Medicine, Science & the Law – A 14
Medico-Legal Journal – A 14
Modern Law Review – Lift Lobby 22J


Newfoundland & P.E.I. Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
New Law Journal – Lift Lobby 22K
New South Wales Law Reports – E 139
New Zealand Law Reports – F 196
Northern Ireland Judgments Bulletin – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Northern Ireland Law Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)


Ontario Reports – F 178
Oxford English Dictionary – Copier Lobby
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies – B 23


Palmer’s Company Cases – D 102
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) – Apply staff (Basement)
Patent Cases – D 103
Personal Injuries and Quantum Reports – D 102
Personal Injury Law Journal – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Planning Appeal Decisions – D 102
Planning Law Reports – D 103
Probate Division (Reports) [2 sets] – D 114
Professional Negligence & Liability Reports – D 103
Property, Planning & Compensation Reports – D 102
Public General Acts – C 39
Public Law – B 23


Queen’s Bench Division (Reports) – D 114A
Queensland Reports – E 141


Rating & Valuation Reporter – B 24
Rating Appeals – D 103
Reports of Patent Cases – D 103
Restitution Law Review – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Restrictive Practices Cases – D 116
Road Traffic Reports – D 105
Ryde’s Rating Cases – D 105


Scots Law Times – G 213
Scottish Civil Law Reports – G 209
Scottish Criminal Case Reports – G 209
Scottish Law Reporter – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Session Cases – G 210
Shawcross & Beaumont Aviation Reports – D 105A
Simon’s Tax Cases – D 105B
Simon’s Weekly Tax Intelligence – Apply staff (Enquiry Point)
Singapore Law Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
Solicitors’ & Barristers’ Directory see Waterlow’s … Directory
Solicitors’ Journal – B 224
South African Law Reports – Apply staff (Littleton Basement)
South Australian State Reports – E 143
Standard Conditions of Sale – Apply staff (Enquiry Point)
State Trials – Apply staff (Enquiry Point)
Statutory Instruments – C 44
Stone’s Justices’ Manual – A 11
Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary – A 12
Supreme Court Practice see Civil Procedure


Tasmanian Reports – E 144
Tax Cases (shelved as Reports of Tax Cases) – D 105
Tax Cases Appeals – D 106
Times Law Reports (T.L.R.) – D 106
Times Law Reports (cut-outs) – D 107
Trinidad & Tobago Law Reports – G 205


V.A.T.  & Duties Tribunals Reports – D 108
Victorian Reports – E 145


Waterlow’s Solicitors’ & Barristers’ Directory – Reference (Enquiry Point)
Weekly Law Reports – D 117
Weekly Notes – D 108
Weekly Reporter – D 109
Western Australian Reports – E 148
Western Weekly Reports – F 184
West Indian Reports – G 205
White Book (Civil Procedure) – A 3
Who Was Who – Copier Lobby
Who’s Who – Copier Lobby
Woodfall’s Landlord & Tenant Bulletin – B 29
Words & Phrases Legally Defined – A 12